Grave Thoughts











Tending to your


Welcome to Grave Thoughts

Grave Thoughts is a team of people dedicated to the preservation of the memories of your loved one.

We provide ongoing and restorative care to the Graves and treasured areas of those closest in the heart.

Grave thoughts provides you with a way to remember those who have passed away in a way best suited to them.


Areas covered

Grave thoughts maintain graves in mainland Britain concentrating on the Northamptonshire, Buckinghamshire and Bedfordshire area.


Grave Thoughts allows those moving away from the area to look after and remember those left behind

Care and provisions

We can arrange for graves to be cared for on anniversaries or arrange for yearly or seasonal care as required.


Work carried out is photographed and sent for approval to encourage your piece of mind.


Please email or phone us to discuss any wishes or requests.


Tel: 01933 223261


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